Valve dementerar konsolrykten

Kotaku har samtalat lite med Valves "marketing director" Doug Lombardi om ryktena som började florera på Internet för ett par dagar sedan. Håller Valve på att utveckla en konsol? En Steambox? Nej, inte i den närmaste framtiden enligt Lombardi.

"We're prepping the Steam Big Picture Mode UI and getting ready to ship that, so we're building boxes to test that on... We're also doing a bunch of different experiments with biometric feedback and stuff like that, which we've talked about a fair amount. All of that is stuff that we're working on, but it's a long way from Valve shipping any sort of hardware.

... We're always putting boxes together. Going all the way back to the Half-Life 1 days, we built special boxes to test our software render… it's just part of development."


Ingen Steambox, med andra ord.



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