Steve Wiebe har återigen världsrekord i Donkey Kong

Jag förutsätter att tämligen många av er har sett The King of Kong, en modern kultklassiker från 2007 om utmanaren Steve Wiebe som tar världsrekordet i Donkey Kong och därefter blir utsatt för en del suspekt uppförande av tidigare mästaren Billy Mitchell och hans anhängare. Under senaste året har det här världsrekordet bytt händer tre gånger, men återigen står Steve Wiebe som mästare. Här berättar han själv om dagen då han återigen tog världsrekordet i detta klassiska arkadspel.

"Much like previous times when I've broken a video game record, it seemed surreal that all the time and effort I put into the game had finally paid off. I started playing in the morning and didn't have much luck, so I took a break and ran some errands with my kids.

I came back a few hours later and had to restart about five times before I hit the record game. I played at a pace that I knew would just be enough to break the record, so coming down to the final rivet screen, I knew it was going to be close.

I think many people had written me off since I had come up short at so many live record attempts, and I understand that. But, I always believed that I could still do it and so did a lot of people who supported me.

Looking back, I would say that if the record came too easy, then it wouldn't mean so much right now, so I'm glad I went through the struggles I did. It makes it that much sweeter."

Grattis till Steve Wiebe! Din... hm... cooling!



Via: GameSetWatch


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